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100 Raid Battles + 400 PokéCoins - Ultimate Raid Bundle

100 Raid Battles + 400 PokéCoins - Ultimate Raid Bundle

Regular price $27.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $27.99 USD
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Power Up Your Pokémon GO Collection with Our 100 Raid Battles Package + 400 Bonus PokéCoins!

Take your Pokémon GO experience to new heights with our 100 Raid Battles package! Our team will log into your account, acquire the necessary raid passes, and complete 100 successful raids, helping you add powerful Pokémon to your team.

You’ll encounter a variety of Pokémon from the current raid rotation. Choose any mix of these up to 100 raids. Each set of 10 raids typically takes around 1 hour, so be sure to have enough storage space for your new additions!

Note: While we aim to catch all the Pokémon, some may flee during the battle. We appreciate your understanding!

Bonus: You’ll also receive 400 free PokéCoins with this package! PLEASE NOTE THE BONUS COINS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE IF WE PURCHASE THE PASSES.

Cooldown Notice: For account security, a 2-hour cooldown applies before we can begin. After the service is completed, the same cooldown will apply, allowing you to resume gameplay shortly after.

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